

This wooden Figure is a fully balanced and movable string puppet for short video shoots, training and playing.

E-learning videos of how to operate this marionette are included.

Experience the joy of marionette play with our enchanting Figure Marionette! If you’ve never tried it before, worry not! We offer an exclusive series of video courses on how to masterfully operate this delightful marionette, included with your purchase. Learn to convey emotions and express feelings through graceful gestures and subtle head movements.

Our marionettes are crafted from premium lime wood, a testament to our commitment to sustainability. Unlike mass-produced plastic alternatives, our Figures are environmentally friendly, ensuring that even when they age (lasting for generations), they leave no harmful trace on our precious Earth.

For millennia, people have cherished puppets as a medium to share stories and ideas. With our Figure Marionette, you have the exciting opportunity to craft a unique personality with limitless traits in an instant. Let your imagination run wild—make your Figure perform and speak as you desire, without any restrictions. This marionette is a canvas for creativity, as fresh and full of potential as a newborn baby!

Visit our shop today to buy this incredible Figure Marionette that’s for sale and embark on a magical journey of storytelling and expression.

Weight 4 lbs

Puppet weight


Operating device


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