Skeleton Eda


Do you want to have a new friend to have fun with, to laugh from ear to ear and enjoy life, even though it might seem that circumstances are not exactly conducive to this? I’m proof that it can be done!

My name is Eda and you can tell by my broad smile that I like to laugh and enjoy being around people.

I’m a puppet that can do many things. I can clap my jaws and move with great flexibility. I jump and dance with joy. I am very flexible and adaptable. I don’t need any clothes or anything to eat. With me you can just have lots of fun and no worries.

And you know what? If you shine a light on me, I can glow in the dark. Which means I’m not suitable for the very youngest children because they might put me in their mouths and I might not like that.

Weight 2 lbs


Puppet weight

Operating device


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